If you are arriving at a place where there is a healthy leadership team in place and you are surrounded by competent team members who understand that they are leaders and are in development - great - have an awesome
If not, not so great and post-pone honeymoon for extended period of time.
I love it when I entered a new place of ministry and found no leadership team, no experienced team members, no structure that supports the development of leaders yet am asked to perform miracles beyond imagination. To this date that has never happened - I have always developed a team first. In the long run - for those who can wait - success is always the fruit.
Why, because my first real
leadership position was in a church. I think there were at least 40 different groups raging in all kinds of activities - young to old, sports to marriage, evangelism to prayer. Guess what - they all wanted me to be part of their group - guess what I said - yes. Guess who saw the need for change, growth, development - people listen to this - for forty groups!!! That's right, I never went home until midnight, six days a week, never saw my wife - and then the leadership team had the gull to say I wasn't working hard enough....
From then on, I developed first and moved on and developed again and moved on and developed again. Much more fun.
One of the first things I do is check out the gifting, then equip based on that. That includes
Myers Briggs stuff, love language, leadership strengths/weaknesses, spiritual maturity etc.
Remember through the entire scenario that it is
God who chooses all leaders. Though we may have the tendency to become impatient with them because of their lack of training, ability and effort, remember to treat them with dignity and respect, trying to be submissive to them where possible just as you expect them to be submissive to your leadership.
God often will surprise us. The most profound thought may come from the lips of someone we had considered totally inept. If God is indeed the author of leadership and the chooser of leaders, then He is able to perform His work through the most unlikely candidates. If we doubt that, we who are part of active leadership should take a careful and penetrating look in the mirror.