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Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Most valuable public relations principle?

Since people are the most important commodity, it stands to reason the the most valuable principle would be love.

I just finished getting my watch repaired at my favorite watch shop and decided to go next door and order a Subway sandwich.  As I was waiting line, a gentleman, two orders ahead of me and ordered a sandwich using the flat bread they offered.

Two things were going on in my head - one, I had never seen a sandwich put together before using the flat bread and two, watch how the two ladies were going to handle this crowd of people who just seemed to want a sandwich the same time as I did (2:00 o'clock in the pm and the line up was five guys). 

As the much younger of the two was preparing the sandwich, I watched her for a bit.  She seemed confident, sure of herself and was enjoying putting what looked like a masterpiece together.  Then the much older lady must have caught a breather and came along side the young lady and declared that she was not making the sandwich correctly.  Hats off to the younger lady who went ahead with her masterpiece and hopefully the much older lady will help her after the restaurant was empty. 

Everyone wants to be in a room with love.  There was no love between these two employees, so I took my lunch to go and ate it in the park a few km away.

You can't help but enjoy and smile at a team that loves each other - its irresistible.  People will keep coming back to your team all the time.  Undoubtedly, a major public relations statement would be made by any team if its members began in earnest to behave as if love mattered.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Members of your team should be treated with love

When I have taken over a new team there are two things that I concentrate on - love my team lavishly and preach the Word everyday.

Some people are easy to love.  Remember to pray for them.  For those who are not easy to love, you will be spending a lot of time praying for them expecting that God works the greatest miracles of all in the lives of the "unlovely" people.

Develop a one-to-one relationship with your team members - remember to meet wtih them at least once every three months to ensure both of you are successful.

In those meetings ask a lot of questions - key questions about themselves. As a result, you will find yourself  becoming genuinely interested in them.  They in turn will see that you are interested in them.

There are quite a few practical ways of demonstrating love - remember the five love languages so that you will not do a "team" love but more expressions at the time when you meet one on one - although team celebrations are awesome.

Here is a team that "loves" - welcome to the world of auctions--
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