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Showing posts with label Team leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team leader. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Leader's Role

Is responsible to care for team.

In this case, developing a proper attitude by model the desired behaviour. Believe it or not, this is hard to do - it requires a doggedly persistence because even if you do well 80% of the time, your team will catch you when you not and they will be more "impressed" with your 10% failure than your 80% success.

Is responsible for cultivating relationships with other teams.

You live in a community of many teams and your own team needs to engage, healthy, with those other teams.  Bonus - you get to learn their best kept secrets.  You, as the leader, are the personification of your team that you serve.  Therefore, it would be valuable to your team if you establish visibility within the community.  Make strategic visits, find out what others think about your team, there views of support or concern, how can your team improve or be better at supporting.

Is responsible for relationships with suppliers.

In times of need, the time you have deposited in relationships with these key people will be the time you can make withdrawals and not get overdrawn.  As always, relationships are two-way so make sure that loyalty and not only price are the reason you work with a supplier.  If you expect to receive support in the future, it is wise to purchase supplies from those who serve you best.

Is responsible for relationships with partners.

There are many organizations that have similar ties to what you do - whether specific or general in nature.  To become better known and to enlarge your knowledge base as to what is out there and how others might be affected like you are by various economic trends for example, get to know these people and get involved in their industry and get them involved in yours.  You will get a bigger picture of what is real than if you stayed within your four walls.

Enjoy this blog highlighting thoughts from a leader.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Managing Leadership

I still think that there are too many of us spending long hours in our offices pouring over every detail and trusting no one but ourselves to make major decisions.

And it goes without saying that we say the opposite of what we do.

We add this to our list of behaviours that indicate we do not know how to spend our time wisely.

Our ability should be to share the work, to equip others to take over certain duties, and to function as the inspirational part of a team effort.

If we are constantly involved in petty details we may impress people by how hard we work, but we certainly do not impress anyone by how skilled a leader we are.

If you want to be able to survive a long and successful career, learn to manage your time and talents appropriately.

Schedule your day so that your time is spent reasonably and that you equip your people in the exercise of their purpose rather than working as a lone ranger.

See the work accomplished, but do not feel that it has to be you that has to do it all by yourself.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Ideal Leadership Plan

Allowing for great creativity because God allows that in our lives, we should all have a very unique leadership plan.

Some of us who work with managers, supervisors and team leaders should be assigned to a few standing committees or project teams - reporting back to the greater team body.

Structure of the project teams need to be such that it encourages greater discovery and research at the same time freeing them to engage actively in the work.

The leadership of this team needs to have a road map that they trust in order to allow for such open creativity - and comfortable with their own skin to all small leaders to begin to grow and exercise.

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