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Monday, May 16, 2011


I am an ordinary person who follows Jesus and has experienced the call of God in my life for service.

I would like to think that I find myself above reproach - with no hidden agenda, no skeletons in my closet that eventually will come out and haunt me.  James Stalker says that my greatest purpose is to live as a good person whose mere presence is a demonstration that there is a life possible on earth which is not fed from any earthly source.

I am to see that my prime qualification is goodness.

I would like to think that I can remain faithful to my spouse - trying to stay as close as I can to my spouse and mentioning as often as possible, publicly, how I am attached to, dependant on and how marvellous I think my spouse is.

I would like to think that I am temperate - strong and self controlled with the key thought here being moderation, avoiding excesses.

I would like to think that I am prudent - with the connotation of sensibility, understanding that there may be a number of things that are permissible, but not prudent if I should find myself being offensive to others.

I would like to think that I am respectable - of good behaviour, with the idea of orderliness of personality, modesty, and decorum.  To actually think before speaking, having a sense of dignity, however, not stuffy.  Coarseness, vulgarity, off-colour jokes, offensive actions, lack of table manners - never mind bring up the issues of dress to what "does not fit."

I would like to think that I am hospitable - a lover of guests while still ensuring privacy for my family

I would like to think that I am able to teach - publicly - ensuring that I am interesting, instructional and with a good form of delivery.  However, not to neglect the one-on-one interactions that will come in smaller group settings.  Probably the best form of teaching will come from modelling Christian disciplines and encouraged by discipleship training.

I would like to think that I am not addicted to wine

I would like to think that I am not pugnacious - not always bristling for a fight.

I would like to think that I am gentle as I am reminded of a little girl's prayer - "Lord, please make bad people good, and good people nice."  The world is hungry for someone who is genuinely kind and gentle.  Sometimes I think there are those, at times, who take unfair advantage of that person.

I would like to think that I am uncontentious - "A person convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still."  When asked to express an opinion on a matter, express thoughts in a clear, gentle, nonthreatening manner.  Do not be drawn into an argument as they are destructive.

I would like to think that I am free from the love of money - not being opposed to living comfortably, however.

I would like to think that I manage my own household well - especially when it comes to my children which means being consistent in loving discipline and true to my word, loving my children more than my job and being extravagant in expressions of love for and praise to them, treating them as genuine human beings capable of profound thoughts.

I would like to think that I am a follower of Christ that has learned well as to what that means and who Jesus is.  Then being comfortable to speak in authority on many subjects.

I would like to think that I enjoy a good reputation with those outside my immediate community - my neighbours, work environment, businesses that I deal with.

I would like to think that I am not resentful - in other words, patient when wronged.  A rule that might be helpful is to expect the best of everyone,  If a person does not live up to that expectation, forgive them, because they are human.  If they persist, stay out of their way, but at all cost, never speak disparagingly of them.

I would like to think that I have children who are followers of Christ - possibly the crowning success of my life.

I would like to think that I am not self-willed - avoid being selfish and arrogant in the choices that are made.  Some believe that the sun rises and sets on the things they accomplish.  Remember to serve.

I would like to think that I am not quick-tempered, at least we understand that misdirected anger is "sin."

I would like to think that I am a lover of what is good and do not need to experience everything in this world in order to get perspective on what the world faces - similarly, I would not have to wade through a garbage can to find my dinner, because if I did, I would come up a mess, smelling.

I would like to think that I am just

I would like to think that I am devout, devout enough to God that I am contagious around others

I would like to think that I am self-controlled.

Who am I?
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