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Showing posts with label Conditions and Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conditions and Diseases. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal LIfe

"Life In a Fishbowl"

Excessive demands make it often easy for us to become absorbed in tasks and ignore those important personal needs.

Those needs include the following:

•Sleep – morning person or night owl get the required amount of sleep that we have you refreshed for the next day

•Nutrition – watch the sugar and the caffeine - some of you know the 3 o'clock wall is an indication of a sugar addiction and just try and not have a coffee for a day and see how many trucks have hit you...

•Recreation – do it regularly and make sure your phone is no where near you - whether sports, gardening, hiking, reading, fishing...

•One day a week off – unplug the phone - doing something that completely has nothing to do with your work environment

•Find a mentor/friend/confidant - sounds easy? Try it...

•Relationship with Jesus - Many people take this part for granted – especially if the leader has ‘pastoral’ tendencies. A close walk with God does not come automatically. In fact, this is the hardest work of all and the part of a leaders life that requires the greatest amount of personal discipline.
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