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Sunday, February 21, 2021

James Hansberger - Family

 A lot could be said of the importance of family. In my time with people, family is the easiest to take for granted. I made it a point that we all had dinner together as a family - that came in good standing when our children became teenagers and then young adults. Since I practiced it, they naturally did as well. 

“My faith is now deeper than it was before, and that’s because of my family and friends. During that time when I wasn’t aware enough to have faith, they had faith for me.” - Shelby Neese

I will leave this with you - a poem written by William Braun - The Test of a Man

“The place to take the test of a man is not the forum nor the field, nor the marketplace or the church, but in his everyday life, and at his home, when he lays aside his mask and is judged as imp or angel, hero or humbug. I care not what the world says of him, whether it crowns him with honors or belts him with eggs; I care not what his reputation or religion may be, if his family or friends dread his homecoming then he is a fraud, even if he prays day and morn.”