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Showing posts with label team members. Show all posts
Showing posts with label team members. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Acquire - focusing on happier and more energized team members

Acquire has an opening line on the front page of their website that suggests that they utilize teamwork to breakdown the company vision into separate goals and accomplish organizational goals.

Quite a vision for quite a task.

Their company culture suggests that they create an atmosphere where they can treat each employee like a business owner by empowering them and encouraging them to take pride of ownership in their work. They like working from within and they use the word, invest, when discussing those individuals. I am sure if they promise upward mobility, destination vacations and corporate functions to help in meeting personal goals when it comes to advancement, and if those promises are fulfilled then that should make for happier, energized teams.

They summarize it this way --

Acquire provides unlimited promotional opportunities for each individual who joins our team based 100% on achievement not seniority.