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Showing posts with label predecessor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predecessor. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2011


Every leader should make it a strict policy to refrain from speaking disparagingly of their predecessor.  Failure at this point is bound to react unfavourably on the present leader sooner or later.  No matter how adverse your opinion of the former leader, the latter is all probability has some friends in the organization.  Why incur their enmity at the start when no possible good can result from uncomplimentary remarks?  Individuals in the office of "leader" may fail at times, but the office is one of honour and to disparage the person of one who holds it or who had held it is likely to dishonour the office.  Failure here gives evidence of lack of the fruit of the Spirit.  Criticism can easily degenerate into the evil of gossip from which the leader, of all persons, should be separate from.

There are advice from two points of view about whether a leader should or should not discuss issues with their predecessor.

Some say that under no circumstances should you discuss your new leadership position with your predecessor because it might colour your opinions and your actions toward the team you will serve. This might be an acceptable course of action if the new leader is easily impressed and incapable of making up their own mind, but usually it is not.

In my time of leadership, only one of my predecessors came looking for me - our dialogue was specific and I mentioned to him that I did not think he would follow through on anything because he thought I was speaking out of hurt.  Ended up after nine months in the new position that he quit - this time he met with me again and apologized for not listening - absolute every character analysis I had given him was spot on - he wished he had listened and followed through better.

Myself, I have taken it upon me not to meet with my predecessor.  Not an issue for me necessarily, but there is one for the team.  Some team members may "think" and I do not need that - we all need a honeymoon stage - the leader and the team.
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