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Showing posts with label physical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physical. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

James Hansberger - Fitness

There is more to fitness then just being physical - my emotional and mental health is just as important. Fitness becomes the general rule of moving in a positive forward direction. I think we were not created to be standing still - like following the threads on a bolt - we are sliding down because we are not doing enough to better ourselves, or moving up as we make a conscious, constructed effort to become healthier, stronger, more physically, emotionally and mentally fit. The latter is being proactive and my fitness will show up in all aspects of my life.

Examples would be helpful - what about reading a new book on a topic that is found to be inspiring - going on an adventure - or maybe even a new sport. I think the idea is to do something each day.

Fitness must be vital to my happy nature and my good health and I do not mind that my hair is still brown as I bump up against 60 years of age. It is an outlet fo rme to release stress and find harmony as it brings balance and clarity to even the most challenging days. It is amazing to see the positive reaction from others.