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Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

James Hansberger - Finances

A financial leader is all about the financial future so it is something we need to talk about.

In fact, positive communication traits have helped many couples achieve financial unity. There are stories to be shared and heard and they will continue to pour out as you seek to understand, then to be understood. Share how a particular financial behaviour makes you feel. 

I found that boundaries help ensure that money is spent intentionally and that includes designating funds to "play" money but also money that goes towards each of your financial goals. The first crack in a relationship sometimes happens here where there is no financial space given - a spouse will feel stifled and finances will become a sore subject. 

Unity comes with accountability and support. Some couples really stress this as a process when it comes to major purchases. I know sometimes that it feels you have to go to the President of the bank to get permission - that goes both ways. Relinquishing "rights" brings unity, as well as enhances trust and respect - that sometimes results in no secrets. 

Finances are an area of stress. Finances are also the core part of marriage. So keep talking, sharing stories and do things together so that you are on the same page.