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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

James Hansberger - Friends

 I am pretty sure that no parent ever gets up in the morning deciding they like the neighbours kids better than their own. They do not go around thinking that the neighbours kids don't cough at night, or they get better math scores. They don't yell at their kids and tell them to get out of the house because the neighbours kids are moving in. 

What am I saying?

Basically, I don't "fall out of love" with my children because I understand that loving them isn't just a moment. I do not stop caring about my children just because they annoy me. I accept the obligation to love them despite the aggravation.

I am sure that if I would carry this same commitment into my friendships, and that includes my spouse, I would be a lot better off.