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Sunday, March 14, 2021

7 Strata of Strategy - the essence of differentiation

 A great example of this would be in the charitable world, especially amongst the Christian ministries. 

The priest reports that a TV team is on its way. This creates a flurry of activity among the helpers. The search is on to find the t-shirts, hats and badges needed to identify and differentiate. The Swiss flag and the Red Cross suddenly appear. The distinctive signs that identify Caritas, CRS, Secours Catholique, Cordaid and TrĂ³caire are prominently displayed. The sense of coordination that had existed before is temporarily masked by this colourful scene. What is visible to the eye are individual organisations and their donors. In front of the cameras, every organisation wishes to see its brand and country of origin shown off in the best light.

In the not-for-profit world it is sometimes very hard to differentiate between organisations, even some who are attached to their particular church hierarchy. They need to find a way to present their needs and demands differently even though they are common in their faith, title and maybe even branding.

There are distinguishing features that can do this. It is understoond that they may be one of many but there is always a specific profile. 

Love is key to most of them and so how they love, dissect it and play out its expression becomes a fundamental principle that makes one different - a single reality, a certain dimension.