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Showing posts with label actions. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2021

Decisions - the core elements

Core values would be seen as one of the most important "lists" an organization can put together to provide some synergy between their purpose and their competentcies. 

It looking at a few, there were some that I found that lent to the idea that decisions played a big role. Here are some statements that might resonate.

These statements came from the introductory paragraphs leading into core value statements:

  • Core values shape our culture and define the character of our company, and they guide how we behave and make decisions.
  • As a mission-driven lender, our core values are the foundation of the work we do each and every day. They shape our culture. They underlie our decisions and actions.
  • We become one by sharing the same values and applying them consistently in our decision making processes
  • They underlie our work, our interactions and our strategic decisions.
  • As we expand into new markets, recruit new talent and face new challenges, these guide our people in the decisions and actions they take every day.
  • They help us in the decisions we make every day.
  • They are our compass and filter through which we make every decision.
  • They are important philosophies we use to guide us in making decisions.
  • Our five values are at the heart of everything we do; they guide our decisions and behaviours.
  • We have made five of these explicit to enable us to make good decisions.
  • Our core values provide a framework for all corporate strategy and decision making.

In terms of the core values themselves - I took a few areas and provided some examples from each.

1. Data:

  • Respect data and make human decisions
  • The devil is in the details, or many times hiding within the numbers. In God we trust, all others bring data. Our value to our clients is to help demystify the data that pertains to their project or campaign, whether its a simple goal funnel, or Facebook’s latest “insights” term, which has yet to be accepted into the English language
  • Make decisions based on facts and experience

2. Accountability:

  • We readily accept accountability for our actions, inactions and decisions, both individually and as a firm
  • We take responsibility for our performance in all of our decisions and actions
  • We accept responsibility for our actions and deliver on our promises. We make and support business decisions through vast experiences, good judgement, and ownership of outcomes
  • Taking ownership of our actions and our decisions allows us to grow as individuals, and support each other as a team
  • Our people need to be accountable for the decisions that are made
  • We hold each other accountable and challenge each other to reach the best decisions
  • In the process, being accountable for our own actions and decisions, those of our team and those in the part of the organisation for which we are responsible

3. Integrity:
  • We ensure that the highest ethical standards guide us in making decisions.
  • Being honest and transparent with people, in an effort to do the right thing within the letter and spirit of the law, drives every action we take and every decision we make
  • It is expected of all employees to take personal responsibility for their standard of behavior and for the decisions they make every day. Honesty and Integrity must always be at the core of those decisions.
  • We do the right thing each time we face a tough decision
  • Maintaining our reputation requires a continuous commitment from all of us to act with the highest standard of integrity in all of our business decisions
  • Acting and taking decisions in a manner that is fair and honest
  • We uphold our values and Business Ethics principles in every action and decision

 4. Respect:

  • You are practical in your decision-making and engage in problem-solving
  • We trust the capabilities, character and judgment of our colleagues and empower them to make decisions
5. Uprightness:
  •  Speaking your mind in the debate, but backing the decision
6. Diversity & Inclusion:
  • Valuing and including our differences in decision making is our competitive advantage
7. Simplicity:
  • We strive for clarity and consistency, make decisions quickly and pragmatically and focus on what’s essential
8. Transparency:
  • We are building long-term, healthy relationships by consistently communicating not only our decisions, but also our reasoning
9. Safety:
  • Our people put their lives on the line when they come to work each day and ensuring safe operations at our facilities around the world so each person can return home safely is the cornerstone of our daily activities and decisions
10. Learning:
  • We learn from sharing past decisions and actions, both good and bad, to continuously improve performance

11. Loyal:

  • We respect decisions once they’ve been made
12. Responsible:
  • We will act responsibly, ethically and trustworthy in all activities we do whether it be towards colleagues, customers, suppliers, the society or the environment