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Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The members of your team are due respect

Jesus makes plain that He does not share His authority with anyone.  On the basis of that authority He gave His followers certain commands.

Just because you are a leader, does not mean you have unlimited authority to dictate to your team.  In reality, since your team is the final possessor of authority, you only have as much authority as is delegated by your team.

Since we are all considered priests, saints and ministers of the gospel, as the Bible makes clear, leaders need to understand that they are given to their team for only one purpose: to enhance the ministry of these "ministers."

Christians do not know who they really are.  When they are finally convinced of the fact that they are priests and ministers, they will begin to act the part.

If a leader is wise, they will recognize and respect the wisdom that rests in the members of their team as it acts together, and will demonstrate their respect by taking the decisions of the team to be wise counsel.  These leaders should continually treat their team members with the respect due to them as priests and ministers because God, not them, has designated them as such.

Someone put this video montage together showing a bit of a sport analogy on this topic, including the back ground music and lyrics which suggest some of the things I have mentioned here.  I am not necessarily one of those who believe that sport analogies are best comparatives to leadership issues but this was pretty interesting.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Study Life

"Full of God's Word"

In order to give God's Word away to others and see it make a difference in others, we must be studying, interpreting, applying God's Word to our world that we engage with.  To know that Word, means we have to spend time with in it.  We also need to spend time with people, getting to know them and their needs, so that are application of the Word will 'scratch them where they itch."

Here are some thoughts that my prove helpful -

To be authoritative, we need to be aware of the whole scope of Scripture.  Have a plan toread through the entire Bible every year, divided properly into daily segments so that it is not so time consuming - reading it rapidly is okay as it provides a rather big picture scenario or stopping to meditate on some jewel you found in the midst of everything is okay too.

Spend considerable amount of time studying - even consider apply what you are learning as if you would be invited to speak somewhere on the topic you have just found interesting.  If you do at least one outline a week, following closely to what is happening around you in the world you live, you may make small presentations that prove effective in the lives of your listeners - but give the Holy Spirit something to work with.

If you were to obtain a university degree in any subject there would be at least a minimum of 15 hours of study required outside the classroom in order for you to succeed.  Is that the right time to put towards studying? Why not?

Each expressed learning point needs to make a call for some type of decision - hopefully to yourself first and then when sharing, to others.  Make the call for a decsion then you know how your studying is making a differenct in your life and not just in your head.

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