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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Question - what's going on in your industry?

 A great question to begin the journey to understanding industry trends in general. It is the beginning of a discovery to the newest changes or technologies. Relevant to the knowing of who is buying whom in the industry. Those customers of ours provide info as to what they and their neighbours are thinking/feeling/talking about. 

I love the Oh Henry! candy bar. I have not had one since being diagnosed with diabetes.  They have done something I frown on - just like I did with BarBarrito and their ads - connecting with the cannabis industry. 

The Oh Henry 425 bar is their newest candy bar product and is being paired with a cheeky marketing campaign. It is a risk that can improve market share - delight, humour, shock - or it will dimenish by scaring, alienating, divding their customer base. 

The feedback from certain audiences - they were impressed. They are evolving as a brand, connecting with new audiences and maybe riding the crest of the wave - then again maybe not. 

It hard not to look at the $31B cannabis industry in Canada and say that there is no other expectation except to go up. That is what is going on in my neighbourhood, what is going on in yours?

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