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Saturday, February 20, 2021

James Hansberger - Faith

Wherever you find integrity, leadership, compassion and courage, you find character. It’s not only on the battlefield, but also in the home and the workplace. I wrote “Nice Guys Finish Rich” years ago solely to focus on these priorities of a balanced life — faith, family, friends, fitness and health, and finances. I’m more ambitious than ever in my career today, so the issue of finances is not last; it’s just fifth. - James Hansberger

True faith is more than an emotional feeling or even a belief. True faith is a whole-soul commitment to God.

In the expression of faith, as a lived reality, I will find progess in loving as Jesus loved - as well as remaining steadfast in the struggle against sin and evil.

I could push this to say that even though tithing may be seen as a financial issue, it really is one of a faith issue. Have you ever had to decide between paying a bill and tithing? This is a test of my priorities. It’s a test of my love. But most importantly, it’s a test of my faith. Do I really trust God to provide for me if I put Him first in my life?

At the end of the day is really is not about money. It is not really about the actual, physical act and much more about the spiritual significance behind the act. In other words, it is little about money, and very much about faith. I believe that when I continue to give generously, even when I think or feel that I cannot afford to - is an act of faith. 

Disjointed, inconsistent, poorly organized, confused efforts, however sincere, are not expressions of faith. It is not faith if it is not consistent and orderly. 


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