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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Decisions - coaching

Do I have love for the game?

When it comes down to it, love is really about decisions. For instance, there are many who play football and who do not love it. They love the idea of football, and the connection with football and the recognition that might come with playing the game, but they do not really love it. If I were to love something, I will study it, watch it, dream about it, work to improve and do all I can to be my best. When I am confronted or even involved in disunity, it comes from a simple divide of those who love and those who merely like.

Do I have a plan to develop my IQ?

Back to my example of playing in a football game - there is what is called tactical wisdom - it shows off my IQ about the game. At the end of the day it is about decision making skills and knowing the "when" or "why" to do something. Believe it or not there is a difference between "how" to throw the football (technique) vs. determining if a run or a pass is the best move (tactics). Developing decision making skills is something which coaches revel in. I enjoy helping others to teach others how to become smarter and to read the "play." In other words, be proactive rather than reactive. 

I will practice and encourage others to practice until we get there. There is a sweet spot that comes with each decsion to be in alignment. It feels good to be fully embraced for all which I am. I will be the best version of myself and from this "loving" state I will do all that is needed, be all which is needed. 


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