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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Some theological tracks you should consider investing time in as a leader...

As Tyndale University College & Seminary moved from Bible College to University status, they wanted to make sure that any person attending would receive at least four and probably five semesters in theology. 

Not practical in the sense of those transferring in (find that instead of getting a BA in four, it will now take five), transferring out (oh, those courses have no equivalency standing here), but incredible to their understanding that they are in here for the long haul and exist to create a Christian leader with a Christian worldview that will change the culture they engage in once they graduate - so hats of to Tyndale.

So what are some courses they we could take as leaders that would enable us to create a priority list of topics for us to start a reading program and obtain the university equivalent in theological education.

1.  Church History:  My first five days with my new office landlord were they most influential - became best friends because I knew who a Macedonian was and I knew the difference between Macedonia and Greece Orthodox.  Needed that favour one week later and was thankful that my worldview was bigger than just my denomination.  So here are some points --
  • Pentecost and the beginnings of the church
  • Major councils - Trent, Nicaea (this would be favoured by SAT-7), etc.
  • the Reformation
  • The formation of major denominations
  • Recent historical developments
2.  Denominational History
  • Where did the particular group or denomination that you are a part of originate?
  • What has characterized its development?
  • In what was is it distinctive?
  • What is its history and position in regard to missions?
3.  Bible
  • Inspiration and revelation
  • Books of the Bible
  • Structure of the Bible
  • Bible writers
  • Canonicity
  • Should be able to locate references that outline the plan of salvation, answers to controversial theological issues (Christ coming back May 21st for example), answers to practical problems faced today by the church and by individuals.
4.  God
  • Nature
  • Image
  • Predestination - election
  • Creation
  • Trinity - the characteristics and mission of each Person
5.  Satan and angels
  • Origin of sin
  • Powers and principalities
6.  Man
  • Original creation
  • Fall
  • Depravity
  • Transmission of sin
  • Conscious punishment
  • Conscious bliss
7. Redemption
  • Substitutionary atonement
  • Effect of the blood of Jesus
  • Terms: justification, propitiation, regeneration
8.  Sanctification

9. Eschatology

That should just about do it.  Once you are on your journey, let your pastor, Sunday School leader, small house church pastor etc. know what you are doing - they should be able to let you practice your leadership skills using theology as your area of growing expertise.

Your library will have just increased substantial in volume and investment dollars - enjoy.

Enjoy this as you are pursing the above --

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